Thursday, December 20, 2007

Who is really lazy?

I just about popped a blood vessel. You can read my comment on the post that caused my blood pressure increase here at elephant biz.

I am really sick of the lazy label on Fred. Primarily because it is unjustified.

So why is it still around? I contend that the label is around because those who repeat it are lazy themselves. They use the label to put a name to the laid-back style that Fred has. A laid-back style is not lazy. But some don't know how to interpret this, so the resort to this label. Had some beltway "journalist" not given this label before Fred's campaign started, we would not have to put up with this crap.

1 comment:

A. Renee Daley said...


I couldn't agree more. This is why I have no time for pundits, and know-it-alls.

The media is getting more and more influence over politics/elections in this country. No longer are voters making their own decisions - they are being led by the likes of Simon, and the MSM.

While I believe in Freedom of the Press, - hack journalism is going to destroy the process in which we vote and elect leadership.

The attacks on Fred just go to show that some stereotypes are still acceptable, while others are not. If you have a Southerner that speaks with a deliberate tone, it's perceived as "slow", "lazy", "uninspiring".

Even if Fred wasn't my candidate, I'd still be cheering him on. He's leading the charge against the status quo, and praise be to Fred for it! I'm tired of hearing people say they want change, but then they still elect the same old tired politicians who have total disdain for change and certainly no backbone for it.

Our country deserves better. It deserves Fred Thompson.