Thursday, December 20, 2007

Tancredo--why now?

FredFaninKansas at has posted an analysis of Tancredo getting out now and why he believes that he will endorse Fred. He certainly makes a good case for the endorsement--and I hope he is right. But he also makes an analysis about the benefit to Fred that I had not considered--organization.
Tom Tancredo, though 1 or 2% nationally, does carry 4-6% in Iowa "likely voter polls". So just by the numbers alone, Tancredo would increase Fred's total into the mid-teens, within shooting distance of Huckabee and Romney, who are in the 20's.

Tom Tancredo, also, having been in the race for a year, carries an organization with him -- an organization, because of the nature of Tancredo's candidacy, that is quite dedicated and passionate.
I thought that King would bring Iowa organization into play, though I did not have this in mind. Increasingly I am wondering if the King endorsement may turn out to be the most important endorsement in the entire 2008 election.

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