Thursday, November 29, 2007

What an Awful Debate

Thanks to Blogs for Fred Thompson I found the entire substance of the debate (minus the ad section, I guess). It was terrible. Most of the questions were not that great. The moderator, Anderson Cooper, was completely out of control of the entire debate. The time was not divided well among the candidates. They allowed a Clinton operative to not only ask one of the questions, but then provide about a minute's worth of commentary after getting an answer (that he didn't think was an answer, but was clearly just an answer that he did not agree with).


Fred did OK, but he did not get enough time. I heard some that thought that McCain did well. I thought he did poorly, particularly because he started with immigration and completely muffed it. Rudy and Mitt were constantly on the defensive. Huck did well, but he was never called onto the carpet for his positions. Paul came across as a nut, as usual. The others, including Paul, should not have been there.

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