Thursday, November 29, 2007

Rush Endorses?

Rush didn't come right out and say it, but he all but endorsed Fred today on his program. He did this based on his conservative credentials:
There was one candidate who did not display any moderateness or liberalism or have any of his past forays into those areas displayed, and that candidate was Fred Thompson. Now, this is not an endorsement. You know, I don't endorse during primaries. I just point out
I am thrilled to death that Rush has gone this far. He has really taken a backseat through this primary season. I don't blame him. He doesn't want to have to defend someone that he did not endorse if they win the primary. But Fred sure could have benefited from positive comments from Rush earlier in the season. Hopefully this will provide a little boost.

Some more quotes from Rush:
They may be saying they are, but in their past they have done some things that are not conservative in any way, shape, manner, or form -- and I think a lot of those things are being overlooked even by friends of mine in the conservative media because the obsession is Hillary. "Well, we gotta have somebody who can beat Hillary, and we can't have the perfect candidate," and so we gotta make the choice here based on who's best equipped to win and beat Hillary. I understand that, and whoever the nominee is, I'm going to support them. So don't misunderstand here. But I don't like seeing "conservatism" being watered down as the way it's defined. I don't want people who are not conservative being said to be representatives of the "new conservatism." There is no "new" conservatism. There is conservatism, and you either are or you aren't.
And Fred, as we all know, is a real conservative.

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