Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Fred Barnes Strikes Back?

According to Blogs for Fred Thompson, Fred Barnes responded to Fred (Thompson):
Fred Barnes was asked during the All-Stars roundtable about Fred Thompson's comments from Fox News Sunday regarding all the negative punditry emanating from Fox News concerning his candidacy.

Barnes' thought-provoking response - "He hasn't run a good campaign."

And that was that. Oh, and he opined that Fred "tripped over" the question about how well he has run his campaign. Barnes then folded his arms, just like any smug smarter-than-thou-pundit would.
But there was a more subtle strike that came from the Daily Standard which is edited by Fred Barnes. Basically the argument argues that Fred tried to "'You Tube' his way to the nomination." Now this is news. Apparently, Fred was going to sit in his Virginia home and run the entire campaign from there making You Tube videos from his living room.

Yet there is not one word on the Weekly Standard site discussing Fred's tax proposal, which was the most significant development in the campaign over the weekend. The inescapable conclusion is that Fred Barnes does not like Fred Thompson. And it apparently has nothing to do with the substance of his campaign. I don't think it has a thing to do with Fred running a bad campaign either. If so, they would point to something substantial, or at least factual. But instead of that, we get made-up stuff like this.


Anonymous said...

Fred Barnes isn't the smartest cookie in the bunch. He supported comprehensive immigration right up to its demise. He was wrong on that and he is wrong on Fred.

Joel Harris said...

Fred is a beltway Republican. Or a "country club" Republican. It is unfortunate, because I like a lot of what he says. But he seems to be a bit disconnected from reality sometimes.