Friday, November 16, 2007

Comments After Fred's Interview on CNBC

After Fred finished his interview on CNBC, the panel had this discussion.
Michael Metz: I was very impressed. I came skeptical, I think he did a good job. I think it is a problem that has to be addressed and I think he's showing courage in proposing this.
Don Luskin: Well, you know, call it courage, call it conviction, call it suicidal tendencies. I don't know. But you've got to admire the guy for grasping the third rail firmly with both hands and saying what needs to b e said. Yeah, we are looking at a bankrupt system and we have to do something about it. Raising taxes, that's talking about a tired cliché. That's not going to help, that's just going to make it more bankrupt. That's just going to throw more money down the hole. ...
Kudlow: ... Take Thompson, what you heard is he bullish or bearish for stocks?

Metz: I'd say bullish.

Kudlow: Don Luskin, bullish or bearish for stocks for Mr. Thompson?

Luskin: Oh bullish, bullish, bullish. I only wish a guy like that could be president.
Kudlow: ... We saw Michael Metz and Don Luskin, our two ace investments all star commentators. One is a Democrat, the other's Republican. One is a supply sider and the other is not. They both agree that Fred Thompson had a lot of courage and they both felt that he would be a big plus for the stock market if he were elected next year. I find that fascinating, kudos to Mr. Thompson.
Great performance on CNBC and a very positive response from financial folk.

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