Saturday, January 12, 2008

Another New Red Truck Goal

As of 7:15pm on Saturday the 12th, FredHeads have raised just shy of $850,000 since the 4th--just less than $500,000 since the beginning of the South Carolina debate Thursday night. With things going so well, they have extended the goal for a second time--we are looking for $1 million by midnight on the 14th (Monday).

There are almost 9,500 new FredHeads in that time frame.

Outstanding job! Keep it up!

1 comment:

Morpheus said...

I can't believe this page is still up!! The number of ppl that ever took Fred Thompson seriously as a Presidential candidate is about the same number of ppl that wear tin/aluminum foil hats to keep aliens from listening to their thoughts with radio waves distributed back and forth across the surface of the Earth by radio towers!

Similar to the number of ppl that supported Ron Paul for President of the United States. But, in that sense I have to give the supporters of Fred Thompson credit bc, at least they know that it is NEVER going to happen!! And they eventually gave up! Ron Paul blames everyone but himself and the bigoted ideologies that he supports to give reason to why most other Presidential campaigns of other Presidential candidates took off like rockets while he only crawled.

Way to go Fred, you're not a psychotic & delusional paranoid schizophrenic!