Thursday, January 17, 2008

Path to the Nomination

I haven't talked about Fred's path to the nomination recently and things have changed a bit. As time is going on, Fred is getting more than one way to get the Republican nomination. The fall into the conventional path and the Convention path.

The conventional path includes winning South Carolina on Saturday (which probably effectively ends Huck's and McCain's campaign). Getting momentum and placing well in Florida (2nd, maybe). Then carrying the south and parts of the west on Super Tuesday. Then picking and choosing each state from then on to fight his way to the nomination.

The Convention path includes placing "well" (second in South Carolina) with no one taking command of the race. He rides it out to the Convention, which is a brokered convention because at least 4 of the candidates also ride it out to the end and no one ever gets the "momentum". At the convention--even if Fred is in 5th place going into the Convention--Fred is the only candidate that can put together a coalition to become President. (But probably has to take Mitt on as his running mate).

1 comment:

Daniel Davies said...

Hello Joel,
I agree that Sen. Thompson could still win this thing. A first (preferable) or second in SC and first in FL would actually make him a leading candidate going into Super Tuesday. Fred would have the momentum on his side, and his support network is real well organized in many of the Feb. 5 states. For instance, I'm told that in GA he has more endorsements from the state legislature than the rest of the GOP candidates combined. I also believe that if it goes to convention, Fred is the #2 choice of many backers of the other candidates, so it might actually be the best shot for him to win.

Could you provide your readers with links to my Blog and the "Hoosiers Support Fred Thompson" Facebook site? The links are