Monday, October 1, 2007

Fred Coverage on Fox

brkcmo over at Blogs for Fred Thompson has posted a link to a Fox report on Fred's Q3 fund raising. They do strike a correct tone--only one month as a candidate; it is an amount that shows that he is legitimate. But what struck me was a couple of other items within the report. First, Cameron laid out very well the 1994 message that Fred will be using this week to cast himself as a long-term conservative as compared to Romney and Giuliani. Second, the precariousness of Romney's current situation. Cameron is positive about Romney's prospects as he is still in first place in Iowa, but that the big three are all within striking distance.

Romney's campaign strategy requires that he wins BOTH Iowa and New Hampshire. In Iowa, everything is closing up dramatically. In New Hampshire he lead has dropped to less than 4 points. It looks like Romney will end up raising less than $10M in Q3 before his own contributions, so his fund raising is dropping off.

I think Romney's candidacy is almost over (practically, even if he stays on for a long time because he can afford to).

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