Thursday, September 20, 2007

One More Poll

I am trying not to do too much posting on polls. It can certainly be overdone. Rasmussen has a Presidential poll every day!

But there is another poll out by Harris. Like Rasmussen, they are polling likely primary voters. Unlike Rasmussen, this was done online rather than by phone. I don't know how they worked the mechanics.

Anyway, the result was FDT at 32%, Giuliani 28%, McCain 11%, Romney 9%.

Over at Red State there is a discussion about the GOP becoming a two horse race. I think that is right. But of McCain and Romney I still think that Romney has the best chance of making it, even though he is woefully behind. The reason is that he still has the chance to actually win a couple of states (specifically Iowa, New Hampshire and Michigan). In fact, that is his strategy--focus solely on key early primaries to get things rolling for later.

The problem with the Romney strategy is that once things start getting serious it seems that his support will fall away. Even in New Hampshire, he had a 12 point lead at one point and now it is less than 5 points--and the trend line is very steep toward him losing that lead in the next few weeks.

If Romney cannot win BOTH Iowa and New Hampshire, I think he is done. At this point, I think it is entirely possible that he wins neither of them. In this scenario, Fred would win Iowa and Giuliani would win New Hampshire.

The problem for McCain is that while his overall support is higher than Romney's, there are no key early states that he does well in. I don't even think anyone can come up with a scenario that would lead him to the nomination.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mullah cimoc say Giuliani him make big ashame for all ameriki.

him take him slut to live in government house while still the marry? Am this “conservative value” ameriki?

him business partner kerrick Giuliani almost make the homeland security czar of usa but now the investigate and hearing of the whores and the rich man condo on policeman salary. Am him the clean police? Conservative values ameriki?

him to serving the homosexual and disobey him bible, but still acting the proud. him to wanting man to marry man, man to marry donkey, and woman to marry the woman. so sick and show the destroy of ameriki society.

him Giuliani to obey every command of masters in tel aviv. him like puppet on fish line. am this make the geo. washington and benjamin frankling proud?

now the republican of ameriki having so many the gay homosexual like the kink sex act, corruption and cruel---now just opposite---not the family value, this the filthy corruption and amerika to be suffer maybe the earthquaking so terrible?

for him true info: for him aemriki learn.