Wednesday, September 26, 2007

More Principles

Fred has updated the Principles section of his website. Before the only principle detailed was Federalism. Now he has added: Individual Liberty, Personal Responsibility, Free Markets, Limited Government, Protecting our Country, Traditional American Values, The Rule of Law, Conserving Our Nation's Resources. Generally this is a set of traditional conservative principles.

A couple of notes: in the Traditional American Values, FDT includes the traditional definition of marriage and then mentions tolerance. This has not usually been listed as a "traditional" value, but I like its inclusion. In the section on Conserving Our Nation's Resources, Fred is setting himself up to be a conservationist as compared to an environmentalist.

One of the keys to winning the general election will be narrowing the gap with the Democrats on some issues. One of them will be the environment. While I am a global warming skeptic (and I believe that Fred is as well), I believe it to be a wise political choice to emphasize that we (Republicans generally and Fred specifically) are not for destroying the planets resources.

These principles are intended to solidify his conservative credentials and put them in a way the moderates can feel comfortable.

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