Friday, September 7, 2007

Fred Stump Speech

Fred was in Des Moines, IA yesterday where he gave the first of his stump speeches. It is worth watching. I have people ask, "I wonder why Thompson is running" to which I have been telling them that I don't know the full story, but whatever it is relates to Federalism. Every time that I hear Fred, I am more convinced that Federalism is THE reason that Thompson is running.

I know that the comparisons to Reagan are way overdone. But this is the comparison that I have been waiting for since Reagan left office. I am tired of "pragmatic" politicians. Politicians who make policy decisions based on what will get them reelected, or that sound good, or that they can negotiate with Congress for. I am looking for a ideological politician that stands for some values. As FDT says, "principles". That is a running theme of Fred.

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