Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Fred on HillaryCare 2.0

There are a couple of really good lines:
What is it that makes liberals think that the best way to help somebody is to hurt them?
He was talking about the vision that Hillary talked about of requiring someone to have proof of insurance to get a job (which you need in order to get health insurance). She then said that any penalties generated from these requirements would be "worked out by Congress", to which Fred responds:
That's a thought scary enough to make you sick.
I was talking with someone about Hillary's plan. They did not understand how Hillary thinks it can work. My response is that it is not intended to work--it is intended to destroy the insurance companies so that the government HAS to take over the industry. Hillary tried to "go for broke" back in the early 90s and it failed. She is trying an incremental version this time.

The person I was talking to thought that if that was her ultimate goal (which it clearly is), that it wouldn't happen until years after she was out of office. Completely wrong. Many of the provisions are intended to quickly bring about the end of private insurance. 1. Having insurance to have a job--you would have to start by getting it from the government. Why would a company offer health insurance? They won't. Even if they were penalized with a tax for not providing it, the companies would see this as cheaper than providing it themselves. 2. Insurance companies have to accept people regardless of preexisting conditions. So then, I buy bare bones insurance until I get cancer and then I move to the better insurance? The next thing would be premium price controls (probably in the original legislation). The result would be insurance companies ceasing operation in droves.

The speed of nationalization would be blinding. Hillary is certainly eying an eight year term. I dare say that the ultimate vision is that health care would be socialized by the end of that term.

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