Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Indiana Fred Connection

A new article in The Weekly Standard shows an Indiana connection to the FDT growing campaign--David McIntosh. Those of us in Indiana remember him for two things: first, being an effective Representative from Muncie; second, being a terrible Republican candidate for Governor in 2000. He was a terrible candidate not because of his positions, but rather because he ran an ineffective campaign.

He is very conservative and is apparently being used by FDT as a policy adviser to the campaign. I consider this very good news.

1 comment:

Kurt Luidhardt said...

Another Indiana Fred connection is with my boss, US Rep Dan Burton. When Dan was chair of the House Gov't Reform Committee Thompson was Chair of the corresponding committee in the Senate. Apparently they had a good relationship as Dan has endorsed him.

You can check out the video of Dan's endorsement on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltNjFN0Cy_c