Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Guns, 2nd Amendment and Federalism

Fred has posted an article talking about how New York is trying to impose its idea of gun control to other states through legal action. He points out that this is part of what Federalism was designed to deal with--not only keeping the Feds out of the State's business, but also to keep the States out of each other's business.

By the way, this is also the first dig that I have seen Fred do on another candidate (or two): "the same activist federal judge from Brooklyn who provided Mayor Giuliani’s administration with the legal ruling it sought to sue gun makers" and "Mayor Bloomberg sent private investigators to make “straw” purchases – illegally buying guns for somebody else. According to the ATF, NY’s illegal “stings” interfered with ongoing investigations of real gun traffickers." Another sign that the end of the beginning is coming.

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